Texture and emotion
Why does creativity have such a strong relationship with emotions? I have been struggling to paint and create any sort of art over the past 9 months. It has been one of the most stressful times of my life, with an international move, a second miscarriage, learning that we probably won't have any more children, and starting a new job - all pretty much at the same time. Dealing with the aftermath of these things is something that will take time, but today I was extra kind to myself and so had energy to explore some texture making that I have been thinking of while falling asleep. These half-dreams of texture have brought me peace for some reason.
I bought some pollyfilla powder from B&Q, mixed it with water and modelling paste and started to spread it across a canvas. After making a few exploratory marks, I realised what I wanted to do. I started to make swirls, based on a painting I have previously done, and used any excess to create mini versions of a textured painting I made in 2021. I am now waiting for these to dry so I can add a high/low value colour range to these. I’m hoping this will help heighten any emotions the paintings invoke. I just need to think a little about composition for these paintings now.